Adrienne Rich

28/09/2024 1.599 Palabras

Obras • A Change of World, 1951. • The Diamond Cutters, 1956. • Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law, 1963. • Necessities of Life, 1966. • Leaflets, 1969. • Will to Change, 1971. • Diving Into the Wreck, 1972. • Of Woman Born: Motherhood, 1976. • Twenty-One Love Poems, 1974-1976, publicado en 1977. • Dream of a Common Language, 1978. • A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far, 1981. • The Fact of a Doorframe, 2001. • On Lies, Secrets and Silence: Selected Prose 1966-1978, 1979. • Blood, Bread, and Poetry: Selected Prose 1979-1985. • An Atlas of the Difficult World, 1991. • Dark Fields of the Republic, 1995. • Telephone Ringing in the Labyrinth: Poems 2004-2006.

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